Higher education in the Netherlands

Higher education in the Netherlands | How does it work

Higher education in the Netherlands consists of two levels:

1. Universities of Applied Sciences, also known as ‘Hoger Beroeps Onderwijs’ (HBO) offer higher professional education focusing on the practical application of arts and sciences.

📜 Requirements For HBO Bachelor program: A secondary school diploma equivalent to the Dutch HAVO.
📜 Requirements For HBO Master programs: A bachelor’s degree equivalent to a Dutch HBO Bachelor.

2. Research universities. These universities offer ‘Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs” (WO), research-orientated education. This is the curriculum at the highest level of tertiary education.

📜 Requirements For WO Bachelor program: A secondary school diploma equivalent to the Dutch VWO (additional grade and subject requirements may apply).
📜 Requirements For WO Master programs: A Bachelor’s degree equivalent to a Dutch WO Bachelor. Admittance with a HBO Bachelor’s degree is sometimes possible through a ‘Pre Master’ program (varies per university and program).

Diploma validation:

Since every country has a different educational system, a centralized validation of all diplomas is carried out by Nuffic. Universities base their diploma requirements on the Nuffic validation.

Nuffic is a non-profit organization, dealing with internationalization of the education in the Netherlands. Funded by the government, the Nuffic website is a reliable source of information for all international students.

Do you want to find the best solution for your child’s education in the Netherlands? We are educational consultants for education in the Netherlands and can help you find the best solution.

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