YES in the media

School holidays Netherlands

What do families need to know about school holidays in the Netherlands?

📚 School holidays in the Netherlands are region-specific, divided into North, Middle, and a South region. Each has its unique schedule, though many holidays are observed nationally. 🔍 The best website to check the school holiday calendar is: 🗓️ Additionally, schools have teacher development days when students have a day off—these vary by school, […]

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What are the costs for local primary Dutch schools in NL?

What are the costs for local primary Dutch schools in NL?

Public schools in the Netherlands do not charge tuition fees. Voluntary parental contributions are expected to be paid annually to support activities such as school trips, extracurricular activities, extra material for outside play, Christmas and Sinterklaas activities. Parental contributions vary per school and are usually between € 50-200. Primary schools may charge further fees for […]

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What is secondary school in Netherlands?

What is secondary school in Netherlands?

After group 8, pupils leave primary school for secondary education (voortgezet onderwijs). Do you want to find the best solution for your child’s education in the Netherlands? We are educational consultants for education in the Netherlands and can help you find the best solution. There are different types of the Dutch secondary education: VMBO: preparatory secondary vocational […]

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moving with your family to the netherlands

Moving to the Netherlands with family and children that don’t speak Dutch

Moving to the Netherlands with children who don’t speak Dutch? Here’s everything you need to know about relocating to the Netherlands and your non-Dutch-speaking child’s education. Do you want to find the best solution for your child’s education in the Netherlands? We are educational consultants for education in the Netherlands and can help you find the […]

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daycare netherlands costs, allowance and register

Daycare Netherlands | Cost, allowance, register

How does it work in the Netherlands with daycare? Here’s everything you need to know about the costs, allowance, and registration. Do you want to find the best solution for your child’s education in the Netherlands? We are educational consultants for education in the Netherlands and can help you find the best solution. Childcare allowance Netherands […]

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the office of Young Expat Services. YES knows the answer to what a funded international school is

What is a funded international school? | Philosophy

What is a funded international school? In this article you will learn about Dutch International Schools (DIS) for children of mobile families: bilingual programs, global adaptability, fees, and insights into bilingual schools in the Netherlands. Do you want to find the best solution for your child’s education in the Netherlands? We are educational consultants for […]

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